Hutton Lectures 2015

The third annual 2015 Hutton Lectures was held on the 5th of December, 2015 at De Oriental Grand Hotel in Kohima, with the title: ‘Handshakes with History‘, drawing on the keynote lecture’s title. The day-long symposium had two sessions: Morning session from 9am-12pm (10am keynote); and Afternoon session: 2pm-5pm. The workshop was organised with the financial support of the Board of Trustees of the Highland Institute, The South Asianist Journal of South Asian Studies, and individual donors. Special Thanks to Edward Moon-Little for funding the lunch, as well as high tea & snacks.

Keynote Lecture

Catriona Child, Independent Scholar and Research Fellow of The Highland Institute delivered the keynote presentation: “Handshakes with history: Ursula Graham Bower and the Zeme Nagas


  •  Pouriangthanliu Pongringmei, Jawaharlal Nehru University: “Clothing, politics, and identity: the attires of Rani Gaidinliu (1915-1993)
  •  Phejin Konyak, Independent Scholar: “The last of the tattooed headhunters: the Konyaks
  •  Zhokusheyi Rhakho, North East Hill University: “The implications of WWII on the Nagas
  •  Temsurenla Ozukum, University of Hyderabad: “The lady in skirt as an explorer

Highland Institute
Highland Institute
Articles: 56